Thoughts this Mother's Day

As May 14th approaches, and we are finishing up the many personalized jewelry orders for this special holiday, I find myself having many thoughts this Mother’s Day.
This month (and the entire year) has been one of change and contemplation for me. This past week I heard news that my mother was in the hospital and needing surgery. Those unexpected and difficult moments can cause you to slow down and take a moment from your busy life to consider things. I now have three kids of my own, and understand the joys and the difficulties of parenting. I have been thinking a lot about my own mom and how amazing she is, although I didn’t always fully understand it like I wish I had.
I see things from a different perspective than I did when I was a kid and teenager,and I realize how much patience and love my mom had. She raised four children, all of us very close in age (even all in high school at the same time). Now that I am a mother myself, I am in awe of her and the fact that she managed to allow us all to lead our individual lives, cultivate our passions and let us be involved in various activities, and never complained about how hard it was for her. Because I now know that it was hard for her. Very hard. Not because she tells me so, but because I am now living it myself. I have a whole new level of respect for my mom that you can only gain through real life experience.
Mother’s Day is a special time that we can take the opportunity to say “Thank you”. Because being a mom is hard, and it’s a sacrifice every day, but it’s also beautiful and full of happy times. Those of us who are blessed to have our mothers still with us, let’s take a few moments to let her know that we see. We see all the times she missed out on what she may have wanted to do to be there for us, all the late nights, the early mornings- all of it. It didn’t go unnoticed.
We hope that all of you moms have a wonderful Mother’s Day, and that even if your kids are still too young to fully appreciate everything you do for them, you know that it’s all worth it.
