Mayor Christine Norman of Bentol, Liberia

I was privileged to have a visit with Mayor Christine Norman of Bentol, Liberia over Memorial Day weekend. Her city is one of the locations that is supported by our Women’s Empowerment Initiative. It is always such a pleasure to be with her and catch up whenever she comes to visit. And she gave me a very beautiful gift that you can see on my head in the photo!
We were together for hours while she told us about the good things that are happening in Bentol and how the support that we are able to give them thanks to YOUR purchases is changing the lives of the women and children in her city (thank you!). The latest initiative that has taken place in Bentol is a business training program for the women to learn how to market the produce that they grow with the seeds and tools that are provided through our Women’s Empowerment Initiative. They learned how to process the vegetables to sell to the stores, and how to price things so they are actually making money to support their families.
Every time I hear her speak, I am reminded of how different life is for women in other parts of the world than it is for most of us here. Many of the women in Bentol have to daily think about something we take for granted- how to get water for their children to drink and to bathe their families. The fact that they have a way to grow their own food to feed their families and to sell so they can make money is empowering for these women.
Thank you for helping us to make a difference in the lives of women and children through our Women’s Empowerment Initiative. Every purchase through Sweet Blossom Gifts supports this initiative, and we appreciate every single one.
